Brumachen Update: What Happened After Shark Tank Season 12?


Brumachen Shark Tank Update | Shark Tank Season 12

What happened to Brumachen after its appearance on Shark Tank Season 12? Unfortunately, Brumachen appears to have ceased operations following its Shark Tank pitch. Despite a promising product and some initial success with a Kickstarter campaign, the company faced challenges with fulfilling orders and ultimately shut down.

  • Brumachen, a single-serve portable coffee brewer, appeared on Shark Tank with high hopes.
  • The Sharks declined to invest, citing concerns about sales and valuation.
  • The company faced difficulties fulfilling Kickstarter orders and shipping internationally.
  • Brumachen ultimately shut down, with its website and social media inactive.
  • The company’s story highlights the challenges of bringing a product to market and the importance of securing funding and managing logistics effectively.

Brumachen Shark Tank Update | Shark Tank Season 12

Brumachen, a company that aimed to revolutionize the coffee experience, entered the Shark Tank with high hopes and a unique product.

However, despite initial promise and a successful Kickstarter campaign, the company faced numerous challenges that ultimately led to its closure.

Brumachen’s Shark Tank Pitch

Entrepreneurs Miguel Quintero and Alejandro Quintero
Business Brumachen
Ask $1,000,000 for 10% equity
Deal No Deal
Sharks Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John
Season Season 12
Original Air Date March 19, 2021
Website Brumachen
Key Points of Pitch
  • Single-serve portable coffee brewer
  • biodegradable coffee pods
  • Kickstarter success
  • focus on sustainability
Why Sharks Declined
  • Concerns about sales
  • valuation, and ability to scale

The Product and its Promise

Brumachen introduced a single-serve portable coffee brewer designed for convenience and eco-friendliness.

The brewer, paired with biodegradable coffee pods, aimed to provide a quick and sustainable coffee solution for people on the go.

This innovative concept resonated with consumers, leading to a successful Kickstarter campaign that raised over $100,000.

However, fulfilling these orders and navigating the complexities of production and distribution proved to be a significant hurdle for the company.

The Shark Tank Experience

1. The Entrepreneurs’ Ask

Miguel and Alejandro Quintero, the brothers behind Brumachen, entered the Shark Tank seeking a $1 million investment in exchange for a 10% stake in their company.

This valuation implied a $10 million worth for Brumachen, a bold proposition considering their early stage and limited sales at the time.

The brothers were confident in their product and its potential to disrupt the coffee industry, but they needed the Sharks’ expertise and capital to achieve their ambitious goals.

2. The Sharks’ Concerns

While the Sharks acknowledged the innovation and eco-friendly aspects of Brumachen, they also expressed several concerns.

The primary issue was the company’s sales figures. Despite the successful Kickstarter campaign, Brumachen had only generated around $30,000 in sales through their website.

This raised questions about the product’s market demand and the brothers’ ability to scale the business effectively.

Additionally, some Sharks questioned the high valuation, especially given the limited sales and the challenges associated with manufacturing and distribution.

They also pointed out the competitive landscape of the coffee industry, highlighting the difficulty of standing out in a crowded market.

3. No Deal

Ultimately, the combination of low sales, a high valuation, and concerns about scalability led all five Sharks to decline the investment offer.

While they appreciated the entrepreneurs’ passion and the product’s potential, they felt the risks outweighed the rewards at that stage.

The brothers left the Shark Tank without a deal, facing the daunting task of growing their business independently.

Post-Shark Tank Struggles

1. Unfulfilled Kickstarter Orders

Despite the initial excitement and successful Kickstarter campaign, Brumachen encountered significant challenges in fulfilling its backers’ orders.

Production delays, supply chain disruptions, and unexpected complexities in manufacturing led to substantial delays in shipping the product.

Backers grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of communication and the extended wait times, leading to negative reviews and a tarnished reputation for the company.

2. International Shipping Issues

Brumachen also faced difficulties in shipping its products internationally. The complexities of customs regulations, varying shipping costs, and logistical challenges made it difficult to deliver orders to customers outside the United States.

These issues further compounded the delays and frustrations experienced by backers, hindering the company’s ability to expand its customer base and generate revenue.

3. Financial Difficulties

The combination of unfulfilled orders, shipping issues, and limited sales revenue put a significant strain on Brumachen’s finances.

The company struggled to cover its production costs, manage its inventory, and invest in marketing and growth initiatives.

Without the Sharks’ investment or a significant influx of capital, Brumachen’s financial situation became increasingly precarious, jeopardizing its ability to continue operations.

The Company’s Closure

1. Website and Social Media Inactivity

As Brumachen’s struggles mounted, their online presence began to dwindle. Updates on their website and social media channels became infrequent, and eventually ceased altogether.

This lack of communication further eroded customer trust and fueled speculation about the company’s future.

The once-promising brand seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving backers and potential customers in the dark.

2. The End of Brumachen

Ultimately, the combination of financial difficulties, unfulfilled orders, and shipping issues proved insurmountable for Brumachen.

The company quietly shut down its operations, with no formal announcement or explanation. Its website became inaccessible, and its social media accounts fell silent.

The once-ambitious venture that aimed to revolutionize the coffee industry had come to an unfortunate end.

Lessons Learned

1. The Importance of Market Validation

Brumachen’s story highlights the critical importance of thoroughly validating a product’s market demand before scaling operations.

While a successful Kickstarter campaign can be a promising indicator, it doesn’t guarantee long-term success.

Entrepreneurs must conduct extensive market research, gather customer feedback, and test their product in real-world scenarios to ensure there’s a sustainable demand.

2. The Challenges of Fulfillment and Logistics

Fulfilling orders and managing logistics can be a major hurdle for startups, especially those with complex supply chains or international shipping requirements.

Brumachen’s struggles in this area underscore the need for careful planning, reliable partners, and contingency plans to address unexpected challenges.

3. Securing Funding and Managing Finances

Securing adequate funding and managing finances effectively are essential for any business, particularly in the early stages.

Brumachen’s inability to secure investment from the Sharks or other sources left them vulnerable to financial difficulties.

Entrepreneurs must have a solid financial plan, explore multiple funding options, and prioritize responsible spending to ensure their business’s long-term viability.


What was Brumachen?

Brumachen was a company that developed a single-serve portable coffee brewer and biodegradable coffee pods. Their product aimed to provide a convenient and eco-friendly coffee solution for people on the go.

Why did Brumachen fail?

Several factors contributed to Brumachen’s failure. These include difficulties in fulfilling Kickstarter orders, challenges with international shipping, limited sales revenue, and an inability to secure additional funding. These issues ultimately led to financial difficulties and the company’s closure.

Are there any similar products on the market?

Yes, several other portable coffee brewers and biodegradable coffee pods are available on the market. Some popular options include the Wacaco Nanopresso, the AeroPress Go, and coffee pods from companies like Tayst and Halo.

What can entrepreneurs learn from Brumachen’s story?

Brumachen’s story serves as a valuable lesson for entrepreneurs. It highlights the importance of thorough market validation, careful planning for fulfillment and logistics, securing adequate funding, and managing finances responsibly. It also emphasizes the need for clear communication with customers and backers, especially during challenging times.

The Bottom Line

Brumachen’s journey, from its promising Shark Tank pitch to its unfortunate closure, is a cautionary tale for aspiring entrepreneurs. While the company’s product had potential, it faced numerous challenges that it ultimately couldn’t overcome. By learning from Brumachen’s mistakes and prioritizing market validation, operational efficiency, and financial stability, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success in today’s competitive marketplace.

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