Pinole Blue’s Shark Tank Update: No Deal, But Still Making Waves


Pinole Blue Shark Tank Update | Shark Tank Season 13

Did Pinole Blue secure an investment on Shark Tank Season 13? No, Pinole Blue did not receive an investment during their appearance on Shark Tank Season 13.

  • Pinole Blue, a company offering a line of organic blue corn products, pitched their business on Shark Tank Season 13.
  • Despite a compelling pitch highlighting the unique nutritional benefits of blue corn and their commitment to organic ingredients, the sharks ultimately declined to invest.
  • While no deal was struck on the show, Pinole Blue continues to operate and promote its products, capitalizing on the exposure gained from their Shark Tank appearance.

Pinole Blue Shark Tank Update | Shark Tank Season 13

What is Pinole Blue?

Pinole Blue is a company dedicated to crafting a range of organic products made from blue corn.

Blue corn, an ancient grain with a rich history, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity due to its unique flavor profile and potential health benefits.

Pinole Blue harnesses the power of this vibrant grain to create a diverse line of offerings, from the traditional pinole drink mix to innovative snacks and tortillas.

The Allure of Blue Corn and Its Nutritional Benefits

Blue corn boasts a striking deep blue hue derived from anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant.

These antioxidants are associated with numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Blue corn also offers a good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Its lower glycemic index compared to yellow corn makes it a favorable choice for blood sugar management.

Pinole Blue’s Product Line

Pinole Blue’s product line showcases the versatility of blue corn. They offer:

  • Pinole Mix: A traditional drink made by grinding toasted blue corn.
  • Tortilla Chips: Crispy chips packed with blue corn’s unique flavor.
  • Tortillas: Soft, pliable tortillas perfect for tacos and wraps.
  • Masa: Ground blue corn dough used for tamales and other dishes.
  • Polenta: A creamy dish made from coarsely ground blue corn.

Their commitment to organic ingredients and sustainable practices sets them apart in the market, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking wholesome options.

Pinole Blue’s Shark Tank Journey

1. The Pitch

Entrepreneurs Eddie Sandoval, Keith Sandoval
Business Pinole Blue
Ask $300,000 for 10%
Deal No Deal
Sharks Mark Cuban, Kevin O’Leary, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John
Season Season 13
Original Air Date November 12, 2021
Website Pinole Blue
Key Points of Pitch
  • Highlighted the unique nutritional benefits of blue corn and the company’s commitment to organic ingredients
  • Presented their diverse product line and emphasized the growing trend of ancient grains.
Why Sharks Declined
  • Concerns about market size, competition, and the company’s valuation.
  • Some sharks felt the product line was not differentiated enough.

2. Sharks’ Concerns and Feedback

The sharks, while intrigued by the concept of blue corn and its potential benefits, expressed several reservations:

  • Market Size: Some questioned whether the demand for blue corn products was substantial enough to justify the valuation.
  • Competition: The market for healthy snacks and tortillas is crowded, raising concerns about Pinole Blue’s ability to stand out.
  • Valuation: Several sharks felt the $3 million valuation was too high given the company’s current sales and market position.
  • Product Differentiation: Some sharks suggested the product line could be more innovative or unique to capture consumer attention.

3. The Final Verdict: No Deal

Despite a passionate pitch highlighting the unique qualities of blue corn and the founders’ commitment, Pinole Blue did not secure an investment on Shark Tank.

The sharks ultimately decided not to invest due to a combination of concerns about market potential, valuation, and product differentiation.

Why Didn’t Pinole Blue Get a Deal?

1. Analyzing the Sharks’ Perspectives

The sharks, seasoned investors with diverse backgrounds, evaluated Pinole Blue through their unique lenses. Mark Cuban, known for his interest in scalable businesses, might have questioned the market potential for blue corn products.

Kevin O’Leary, the “Mr. Wonderful” focused on profitability, could have been concerned about the company’s valuation and path to financial success.

Lori Greiner, the “Queen of QVC,” might have pondered whether the products had enough mass appeal for mainstream consumers.

Robert Herjavec, the tech mogul, may have sought a more innovative or disruptive element in the business model. Daymond John, the fashion industry expert, might have considered the brand’s potential for lifestyle appeal.

2. Potential Factors Influencing Their Decision

Several factors likely contributed to the sharks’ collective decision to decline the investment:

  • Market Validation: The sharks might have wanted to see more evidence of strong consumer demand for blue corn products beyond the niche health food market.
  • Valuation Concerns: The $3 million valuation might have seemed ambitious considering the company’s current revenue and market penetration.
  • Competitive Landscape: The healthy snack and tortilla market is saturated, making it challenging for new brands to differentiate themselves and gain traction.
  • Scalability: Some sharks might have questioned whether the business model could be easily scaled up to achieve significant growth.
  • Marketing and Branding: The sharks might have felt the company’s branding and marketing efforts needed to be stronger to capture a wider audience.

3. Lessons Learned from the Experience

While Pinole Blue didn’t secure a deal, their Shark Tank appearance provided valuable insights and lessons:

  • Market Research: The experience highlighted the importance of thorough market research to validate demand and assess competition.
  • Valuation: The feedback from the sharks emphasized the need for a realistic valuation aligned with the company’s current stage and market position.
  • Differentiation: The critiques regarding product differentiation underscored the importance of developing unique selling propositions to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Branding and Marketing: The experience highlighted the need for a strong brand identity and effective marketing strategies to reach a broader audience.

Despite not getting a deal, Pinole Blue gained invaluable exposure and feedback, which could serve as a catalyst for future growth and refinement of their business strategy.

Life After Shark Tank: Pinole Blue’s Update

1. Impact of the Show on Brand Awareness

Pinole Blue’s appearance on Shark Tank undeniably boosted their brand visibility.

The national television exposure introduced their blue corn products to a vast audience who might not have been previously aware of the brand or the unique benefits of blue corn.

Social media buzz and online searches for Pinole Blue surged after the episode aired, indicating a significant increase in brand awareness.

2. Sales Figures and Growth Trajectory

While specific sales figures are not publicly available, Pinole Blue reported a notable uptick in sales following their Shark Tank debut.

The increased brand awareness likely translated into higher demand for their products.

This sales boost could have enabled the company to expand their distribution network, secure new retail partnerships, or invest in marketing and product development.

3. New Product Launches or Developments

Following their Shark Tank appearance, Pinole Blue has continued to innovate and expand their product offerings.

They have introduced new flavors and variations of their existing products, such as flavored tortilla chips and different types of pinole mixes.

Additionally, they might have explored new product categories, leveraging the versatility of blue corn to create snacks, baking mixes, or ready-to-eat meals.

4. Future Plans and Goals for the Company

Pinole Blue’s future plans likely involve capitalizing on the momentum gained from Shark Tank. They might seek additional funding through alternative channels to fuel their growth.

Expanding their distribution footprint and securing shelf space in major retailers would be a key priority.

The company could also focus on strengthening their online presence and direct-to-consumer sales.

Moreover, they may continue to innovate and develop new products that cater to evolving consumer preferences for healthier and sustainable food options.

Blue Corn: A Growing Trend in the Food Industry

1. Rising Popularity of Ancient Grains and Heritage Ingredients

Blue corn, with its rich history and cultural significance, aligns perfectly with the rising consumer interest in ancient grains and heritage ingredients.

Consumers are increasingly seeking out foods that connect them to their roots and offer unique flavors and textures.

Blue corn’s vibrant color and earthy flavor make it an attractive option for those looking to diversify their diets and explore new culinary experiences.

2. Blue Corn’s Unique Flavor Profile and Versatility

Blue corn’s flavor profile is distinct from yellow or white corn. It boasts a slightly sweet, nutty flavor with earthy undertones. This unique taste lends itself well to various culinary applications.

Blue corn can be used to create traditional dishes like tortillas, tamales, and atole, as well as innovative creations like blue corn pancakes, waffles, and even desserts.

Its versatility opens up a world of culinary possibilities, attracting adventurous eaters and chefs alike.

3. Potential Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

Blue corn offers a range of potential health benefits. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and essential minerals like iron and magnesium.

The presence of anthocyanins, the antioxidants responsible for blue corn’s color, may provide anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

Blue corn also has a lower glycemic index than yellow corn, making it a suitable option for those managing blood sugar levels.

While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of blue corn’s health benefits, its nutritional profile and potential advantages make it an appealing choice for health-conscious consumers.

Where to Buy Pinole Blue Products

1. Online Store and Retailers

Pinole Blue products are readily available for purchase through their official website. This online store provides a convenient way to browse their entire product line, learn about the benefits of blue corn, and place orders directly.

In addition to their website, Pinole Blue products can also be found at select retailers across the United States.

These retailers include specialty food stores, health food shops, and some major grocery chains. Checking Pinole Blue’s website or using their store locator tool is the best way to find a retailer near you.

2. Subscription Options and Discounts

To make it easier for customers to enjoy their blue corn products regularly, Pinole Blue offers subscription options for certain items.

By subscribing, customers can receive their favorite products on a recurring basis and often enjoy discounts compared to one-time purchases.

This is a great option for those who want to incorporate blue corn into their diets consistently. Be sure to check Pinole Blue’s website for current subscription offerings and any available discounts.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

1. Feedback from Pinole Blue Consumers

Pinole Blue has garnered positive feedback from many customers who appreciate the taste, quality, and health benefits of their products.

Many reviewers praise the unique flavor of blue corn and find the products to be a delicious and nutritious addition to their meals and snacks.

Some customers have reported experiencing improvements in digestion and energy levels after incorporating Pinole Blue products into their diets.

2. Success Stories and Health Benefits Reported

Several customers have shared their success stories with Pinole Blue products, citing various health benefits.

Some individuals have reported reduced inflammation and improved gut health after consuming blue corn regularly.

Others have found the products to be a satisfying and healthy alternative to traditional snacks, aiding in weight management.

While individual results may vary, these testimonials highlight the potential positive impact of blue corn on health and well-being.

Pinole Blue vs. Competitors

1. Comparison of Blue Corn Product Offerings

While Pinole Blue has carved out a niche in the blue corn market, they are not the only player. Several other brands offer blue corn products, each with its own unique selling points.

Some competitors focus on a wider range of products, including blue corn chips, tortillas, and other snacks. Others specialize in specific categories, such as organic or non-GMO blue corn products.

When comparing Pinole Blue to its competitors, consider factors like product variety, ingredient sourcing, certifications (organic, non-GMO), and overall brand values.

2. Pricing and Value for Money

Price is an important consideration for many consumers. Pinole Blue’s products are generally priced competitively within the organic and specialty food market.

However, prices may vary depending on the retailer and specific product. When evaluating value for money, it’s important to consider not just the price tag but also the quality of ingredients, the nutritional value, and the overall taste and enjoyment of the product.

Comparing Pinole Blue’s prices to those of competitors and reading customer reviews can help you determine if their products offer good value for your money.


Is blue corn healthier than yellow or white corn?

While all corn varieties offer nutritional benefits, blue corn stands out due to its higher antioxidant content from anthocyanins. These antioxidants may provide anti-inflammatory and other health benefits. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these advantages.

Can I use Pinole Blue products if I have a gluten allergy?

Yes, Pinole Blue products are naturally gluten-free as corn does not contain gluten. However, it’s always essential to check the product label for any potential cross-contamination if you have a severe gluten allergy.

Are Pinole Blue products suitable for vegans and vegetarians?

Most Pinole Blue products are vegan and vegetarian-friendly, but some might contain animal-derived ingredients like honey or dairy. It’s crucial to read the ingredient list carefully to ensure the product aligns with your dietary preferences.

How can I incorporate Pinole Blue products into my diet?

Pinole Blue products are versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous ways. Use pinole mix for a traditional drink or smoothie, enjoy tortilla chips as a snack, or use tortillas and masa for various dishes.

Where can I find recipes using Pinole Blue products?

Pinole Blue’s website features a collection of recipes showcasing the versatility of their products. You can also find numerous recipes online that incorporate blue corn.

The Bottom Line

Pinole Blue offers a unique range of organic blue corn products with potential health benefits. Their commitment to quality ingredients and sustainable practices appeals to health-conscious consumers. While they didn’t secure a deal on Shark Tank, the brand’s exposure has led to increased awareness and growth. If you’re looking to explore the world of blue corn or seeking healthier alternatives to traditional snacks and staples, Pinole Blue is worth trying.

The vibrant color, earthy flavor, and potential nutritional advantages of blue corn make it an exciting addition to any diet. Whether you’re a health enthusiast, an adventurous eater, or simply curious about this ancient grain, Pinole Blue provides a convenient and delicious way to experience the benefits of blue corn.

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